The Deans' Roundtable Logo

The Deans' Roundtable Mission

... to help student-life professionals be their best selves.

Our Story

In the dynamic world of student-life professionals, guidance and support are often needed. This need led to the Deans’ Roundtable and it’s mission.

The inaugural Deans’ Roundtable Conference happened at Milton Academy in 2012. This event began a close-knit, supportive community. The Deans’ Roundtable emerged as a sanctuary for education professionals to connect, share ideas, and tackle unique challenges.

From modest beginnings, the Deans’ Roundtable has grown into a vibrant network, showing resilience and collaboration among its members. The Deans’ Roundtable Mission embodies growth, success, and unwavering commitment to leadership in the educational field.

The Heart and Mind of The Deans' Roundtable

A Headshot of Bridget Johnson, Founder of the Deans' Roundtable

Bridget Johnson is the founder of the Deans’ Roundtable, a professional development community for student life professionals. The Roundtable was created in 2012 after Bridget identified a significant void in professional support for those in student life roles. Since its inception, the Roundtable has hosted an annual conference that attracts student life professionals from across the country, providing them with opportunities to connect, learn, and share best practices. Although Bridget has not served as a dean in many years, this group of professionals remains close to her heart as the Roundtable continues to foster growth, collaboration, and support within the field.

Bridget’s leadership extends beyond the Roundtable. She previously served as the Dean of Students at Milton Academy, where she implemented innovative discipline procedures, reorganized health services, and led the creation of a comprehensive residential curriculum and emergency response program. She also contributed to the affective education program, focusing on character education and life skills.

After her tenure at Milton Academy, Bridget became the Associate Executive Director at Prep for Prep, an educational leadership development program that prepares high-achieving students of color in New York City for success in independent schools. In this role, she was instrumental in supporting students and driving community engagement.

In 2018, Bridget transitioned to consulting, working with public and private schools and nonprofit organizations. She continues to provide strategic guidance and leadership development for educational institutions. She is pursuing her Master’s in Restorative Practices at the International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP), furthering her commitment to creating positive change in education and leadership.

Bridget Johnson


To explore more of Bridget's work, please visit her coaching and consulting site:

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